Mozilla announces the Rally Platform, an initiative to collect data from volunteer users for purely scientific purposes.

Personal data, and its protection, is a very important battle for many companies today. This is the case of the foundation Mozilla. Today, the latter announces the launch of a new platform called Rally, to move things in the right direction, if we can say so. And she wants you to share your data there.

Mozilla Rally, a new data collection platform

Modern web browsers have features designed to protect your privacy, to protect your data and information, and prevent it from being used by advertisers to serve you targeted advertisements. All of your data is valuable whether you know it or not. Today, Mozilla wants its users to consider sharing some of their data, not to advertisers, of course, but to scientists.

For purely scientific purposes

Rally is a new data-sharing platform that the foundation says could help achieve a fair data market. The data from all your browsing sessions will be shared with scientists and other sociologists who study the Internet and use this data to improve their research, and their discoveries.

According to the Mozilla press release, “each study has a defined scope, unique data needs and specific objectives. Before you commit, we’ll tell you exactly who you work with, what data is collected, where it is sent and how it is used. Once you get your agreement, Rally will do their job until you tell them to stop or the study has come to an end.”

This is therefore a completely optional feature. You decide whether or not to participate if you prefer not to share anything with anyone. But if you don’t mind your data being used for purely scientific purposes, you can join the Rally platform.

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