The Surface Duo, with its two screens, is a formidable productivity device. Today, Microsoft allows it to be used as a portable console.

Like many tech giants, Microsoft also likes to explore certain concepts. This sometimes gives rise to successful projects, and finished products that are marketed. Recently, fans were able to check out the Surface Duo, a device with two screens far from uninteresting. Today, the Redmond firm actually a portable console.

When Surface Duo becomes a portable console

It may seem rather strange that among the current console manufacturers, or at least among those present today, Microsoft is the only one that has not offered a portable console. Sony had its PS Vita and its PSP, Nintendo has its DS line and now its Switch, but Microsoft has always failed. At least until today. In a certain way.

This could give Microsoft some ideas

Indeed, by taking advantage of the two screens of the Surface Duo, the device can quite become a console. One screen can be used to display the game itself while the other displays the controls of a virtual controller, as you can see in the video below by reporter Tom Warren of The Verge. The result is really nice, a perfect reason, if you needed one, to fall for a Surface Duo.

The components themselves of this Surface Duo aren’t particularly appealing, except, of course, for both displays, but with cloud gaming, you don’t need a racehorse to play your favorite games. All processing and other calculations being carried out on remote servers, all you need is a good connection to the Internet.

In a recent update to the Xbox Cloud Gaming application for Android, Microsoft added support for its Surface Duo device, precisely to display the game on one side, the Xbox controller on the other. For those who don’t know, the Xbox Cloud Gaming app lets gamers enjoy Xbox games on their mobile devices.

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