Photos created with Artificial Intelligence of Elon Musk kissing a robot woman cause a stir on the networks

As if Elon Musk did not lack problems, in the networks are circulating photographs created with Artificial Intelligence where he appears kissing female robots; the images have caused a stir and controversy among users.

There is not a day in which Elon Musk is not a source of controversy, sometimes for what he does, but today it is something he did not do. Images of the billionaire are circulating on the Internet, kissing robot women.

The stir caused by the controversial owner of Twitter is because a user of that network, who identifies himself as @danielmarven, who presents himself as a construction entrepreneur, published some pictures of Musk kissing stylized robots.

Anything can be expected from Musk, especially when the FDA has just authorized him to implant chips in human brains, but this controversy was not caused by him, at least not directly.

In the publication @danielmarven says that he resorted to this method to “clarify the dangers of AI in the coming period”, especially after Tesla launched the first integrated robot “Optimus”.

“Guys, this guy is not a human, this is out of this world.

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This is the first robot that has been made specifically designed with artificial intelligence with the personality and characteristics of the woman he dreams of… which is not found in any normal person, because of course, there is no normal person who has all the required specifications.

Catnilla works on solar power with no charge, is equipped with sensory means that make her feel sad and happy, and has a balanced and interactive mindset…so she can share it if she is in a crisis or the feelings she is experiencing or needs when exposed to any psychological stress.”

According to the author of the post, the message is to be mindful about the things that can be created with AI. With this Musk adds to the controversial photos that have been generated recently, including those of Pope Francis sporting fashionable clothes and Donald Trump being arrested in a violent manner.

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