The President of the Council of Deputies accompanied the haste in the campaign The Chairman of the…
Our nerves are still on the surface, after the moment that Rafa Castaño made us live last…
The former president alerted Alejandra del Moral to the election at Edomex (Facebook/Alejandra del Moral/Twitter/@VicenteFoxQue) The former…
Alejandra del Moral protested as the PRD candidate for governor of Edomex. Photo: PRD Alejandra del Moral,…
(Facebook/Mario Delgado Carrillo) The President of the National Regeneration Movement (Morena), Mario Delgado Carrillo asked the electoral…
Marko Cortés led the Edomex event with Del Moral Vela (Twitter/@MarkoCortes) The leader of the National Action…
Alejandra Baigorria cries out her love for Said Palao. (instagram) Alejandra Baigorria there Said Palau They entered…
Alejandra de Moral ended her pre-campaign period with an event at Texcoco (Twitter @AlejandraDMV) Members of the…