“You are my fairy godmother,” the contestant told the presenter

Final bonfire night for Jesus and Marina on “The last temptation”. The couple has decided to give themselves a new opportunity after in the last edition of “The island of temptations” Marina began a relationship with Isaac “Lobo” Torres.

However, outside the island the courtship broke up and Jesús and Marina decided to resume their relationship. Sandra Barneda has witnessed the process and that is why she has not been able to avoid shedding the occasional tear when witnessing the reconciliation.

“I come to close a circle. He is the person I love and I don’t care what people say. Everyone has the right to be happy with whoever they want and where they want. It does not matter sex, age, race, color. You are going to be with the person you love. She fills me. There are wonderful girls but there is only one girl”, said Jesus crying with happiness. Sandra Barneda upon hearing these words has been moved and has had to make a great effort to contain herself.

“I didn’t appreciate how Jesus treated and cared for me until they screwed me, I’m selfish. I feel an illusion that I did not feel and I have recovered again”, said Marina. Jesus has cut him off and said, looking into his eyes:

“I want you to be the person I see every day when I wake up, I want to kiss you every day. I’m sorry I love you”. Marina has also asked for forgiveness and they have merged into a hug.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen you cry with joy,” Sandra Barneda told him and he responded “You are my fairy godmother.” “Sometimes starting over is the best way to really come back,” the presenter has told them as advice.

“I came to hate her. How could I reach a person that I love so much. In life I have suffered a lot and she made me believe again. I am leaving with the love of my life”, has sentenced Jesus.

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