The actress leaves her son at home as a complaint about the short period of school adaptation

The week is being the most complicated for the little ones who start school or kindergarten, as is the case of Theo Alarcón Sálamo, the two-year-old son of the soccer player Isco and the actress Sara Salamo.

And it is that the period of adaptation of children is a complicated stage that has to be relived year after year in the “back to school.” A hard time also for mothers and fathers who, like the actress, have spoken about it and on social networks have wondered if there is no other way to do this process.

What’s more, she has confessed that since her eldest son cried the first day, she has not taken him to class again.

A controversial position that has been forced to clarify through a post in which she denounces this situation: “No. I am not prepared to disappear from your sight and spend one, two or six hours crying waiting to see if I return. No. I am not criticizing families who are subjected to having to. No. I do not agree that ‘what we have always done’ is what is right. No. My mother and father did NOT minimize my pain and that I was not prepared to spend so many hours in a place that I had never seen, surrounded by strangers. So they also looked for another alternative until I took the necessary security. No. I don’t think validating my children’s feelings will make them spoiled. No. I am not one of those who when they fall I tell them ‘nothing happens, you are very strong’. If not, I offer my help and hug them.”

“It is obvious that I speak from a place of privilege. Where I am a white, straight, European woman who can take my children with me to work or hire someone to take care of them at home. But from my privileged places I can also report that things are not done well. That conciliation is a utopia. And I don’t think that any father or mother feels comfortable leaving their children in the hands of a teacher (totally unknown to us and our babies) when she cries inconsolably,” the actress denounces.

“I don’t have the solution to all this. But I feel the responsibility to generate a debate, to ask ourselves questions and perhaps, making a pineapple, to change things between all of us. We just have to take a look at neighboring countries like Finland, England and Germany, where the adaptation periods are much more personalized. And where maternity and paternity leave. They are quite different. And of course, the conciliation CANNOT HAPPEN BY GIVING UP OUR CAREERS.” Salamo points out, thus inviting reflection in his Instagram post, which is already on its way to 900 comments.

The debate is served.

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