The singer suffered three losses before successfully getting pregnant with her daughter Valeria, who was born in August 2014.
María José shared the difficult process she went through to become a mother , as the singer developed three pregnancies that could not continue before finally being able to procreate her daughter Valeria, now seven years old .
It was in the recent interview that Yordi Rosado did to her where the singer of I’m not a lady told the story of how her romance with her current husband Mauricio García was born, whom she met when she was still part of the Kabah group , since the businessman worked in the label to which the band from La calle de las sirens belonged .
In November 2005 they got married, and the interpreter sought to make her dream of becoming a mother come true until later, when she was able to get a family home where her future children would grow up . “When we started trying to get pregnant we couldn’t, it didn’t hit and it didn’t hit; she went to count, I went to count”, said María José.
After going to a specialist doctor, the television host also managed to get pregnant, however, after three months she lost the baby and had to undergo a curettage .
“I was in Monterrey, we had a show and the next day at the airport I started to bleed and then we went to Mexico and at night the bleeding was important and the next day we went to the hospital and it was already lost , “she recalled. .
The interpreter of I prefer to be your lover had to enter the operating room in an emergency and hours after leaving the surgery, she was already thinking about trying to get pregnant again: “When I woke up I told the doctor: ‘what’s up? When the next one?’ Mauricio was obviously devastated and I did cry and then I said, ‘The next one,’” she said.
Some time later, María José became pregnant again, but this time the baby could not develop either, so the former Kabah decided to undergo studies to find the reason for her failed attempts to become a mother.
“It didn’t hit, my body said I was pregnant, everything came out positive and the baby later sort of reabsorbed , that’s when we saw that something was wrong and a roll of thrombi came out, of clots,” she said.
At the time, in 2014, the couple managed to get La Josa pregnant for the third time, and on the recommendation of her specialist, the interpreter began to use anticoagulants. Shortly after she was given the news that there would be two babies who were on the way , however at a check-up appointment they gave her some fatal news:
“They hit two and I said: ‘Wow, what’s up’, and the next appointment we went, more or less at 10 weeks, one was no longer beating . The whole pregnancy we were like this (worried): ‘Let’s see if it succeeds,’ she recalled.
After three months of gestation, her daughter was not in any danger and the singer continued working until she was 6 months pregnant, then she could no longer move on stage due to her condition. Valeria García was born in August 2014 and to date she is the only daughter that the couple has procreated.
The singer who became known as a soloist singing covers of ballads, has spoken of the close relationship she has and the great love she feels for her daughter. Shortly after Valeria’s birth, María José remembered how difficult it was to detach from her daughter, especially when she had to resume her professional commitments.
” The first time I went to work I cried like crazy, desperate, I felt super guilty … I wanted to stay at home forever…”, she said in an interview for the Hoy program , shortly after the girl’s birth.