Cameron Diaz has been far from the world of cinema for some time and does not seem to be affected at all by this momentary stop in the glossy world of Hollywood. The actress decided to confess to 360 degrees in an interview with the BBC Rule Breakers and revealed aspects of herself that few of her knew and that left many of her fans stunned. In fact, the protagonist of the cult All crazy for Mary has confessed that she is not particularly accustomed to her personal cleanliness and does not worry about it too much.
Since she no longer has a particularly intense public life, Cameron Diaz doesn’t care too much about herself and her person: “I rarely think about my appearance during the day and I hardly ever wash my face, even though I have a billion products for personal care … That gather dust on the shelves “. An unexpected revelation by the actress, who at the turn of the nineties and the 2000s was one of the most popular and sought-after actresses in Hollywood. Then her departure from that world of causes not yet known and the beginning of a new life, with slower rhythms and without the social pressure imposed by her role, in that world that today she defines as “a trap “. She herself confesses that she lives as “a savage.
Now far from the cinema and without an apparent desire to return to acting at those levels and to be part of the Hollywood jet set, Cameron Diaz does not spare harsh criticisms of that kind of reality, which seems to no longer belong to her: ” ‘objectification and exploitation of the society to which women are subject. I have experienced everything on my skin in certain moments “. From her words emerges a profound discomfort for having lived that life and condemns the objectification of the female body and in her opinion “it is difficult not to look at yourself and judge yourself with respect to other indicators of beauty, and I think this is one of the most serious things. .. In the last eight years, however, I have canceled everything “.
She has changed her life so much that she has entered a completely different dimension, without social patterns and without rules but, above all, without feeling constrained and judged by the outside world. In 2020 Cameron Diaz announced the birth of her daughter via a surrogate mother .