Proteo was part of the Mexican brigade sent to support rescue efforts in Turkey.

Mexico was one of the countries that joined in international support for the search and rescue of victims of the fatal crash earthquake that hit Turkey and Syria with over a hundred brigade members and various dogs that raised the name of the Aztec nation.

However, on February 12, one of the squads of the Secretary of National Defense (sedena) announced the unfortunate passing of protectiona German Shepherd puppy who died in the line of duty to save survivors of the 7.8 earthquake recorded at dawn on February 5 (Mexico time).

The news fell on the social networks of the agency directed by Luis Crescencio Sandoval, in particular ICT Tac where the last message that the Proteo coach dedicated to his partner “who led him” to be part of the Mexican team which is currently helping the Turkish nation was shared.

“I can only thank you for bringing me. Unfortunately you will not be able to go with me (…) One day we will see each other again”.

In the 48 second clip you can see the military element, the family name Villeda, in the disaster area, from where he dedicated a few words to the dog that he recognized as a “strong dog; a hard-working dog, who never gave up.” For this reason, he longed for Mexican citizens to remember his heroic courage and “never forget you”.

“I’m proud of you (…) I will always remember you. (…) All of Mexico I hope they always remember you, that they never forget you”, cut his message short.

The audiovisual was accompanied by various photographs of Proteo during his training, as well as in his rescue work; highlighting two images that documented him receiving veterinary care. However, so far the National Defense has not detailed the causes of the couple’s death which has caused uncertainty among Internet users, who – in some cases – have asked the agency to clarify what was the reason for the death. death.

“We demand to know what happened to him. If he was sick or too old to leave or if he had an accident for lack of protection”, “But what happened to him? or “How did this happen?”, were some of the comments left in Sedena’s Twitter post, though the vast majority of replies only asked that Proteo return to Mexico to be “honored as a hero.” The latter due to the comment in which Villeda said he would return to the country without his canine couple.

He deserves a funeral worthy of a hero.“, “Please take him to Mexico. Don’t leave him in Turkey”, “You must bring him to your country to give him a ceremony worthy of a good soldier”, “Do what you can to bring him. They are heroes and they should be honored,” several people wrote, moved by the unexpected news.

“Together they left, together they came back. Please bring him.”

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Proteo, Sedena’s rescue dog, dies.

The dog’s death was also mourned by the Chancellor of Mexico, Marcelo Ebrard Casaubbonwho recognized Proteo for “raising the name of Mexico and our people”.

Likewise, the rescue brigade moles mexico He expressed his “respect and admiration” to the National Defense dog and wished him rest in peace.

The binomial of the Red Cross made of Edgar Martinez and Balam managed to save a living person from the rubble in Turkey, on the fourth day of support from the Mexican brigades.

According to the member of the brigade, the rescue was carried out in the early hours of Friday (Mexico City time): thanks to the detection of the son of Athos, a rescue dog who was poisoned and for which the first conviction for animal abuse was pronounced. in Mexico — was that the woman between 34 and 40 could be identified and rescued nearly five days after the earthquake.

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