The escalation of violence between drug gangs in Rosario has registered the February 1st an attack unprecedented in the city’s criminal history: they randomly kidnapped a person walking down the street and killed him with three shots in front of the football field by Newell to send a message to a part of the barra brava of the club. This sequence, which prosecutors have as their main hypothesis Stone by Luis Schiappa there Matias Ederywill be studied together with a series of attacks against a bank, a business, a municipal building, police stations and a prison. The forensic investigators themselves claimed that this dispute shows a “loss of control of the street” by the Police and called on all the resources of the State to work with a common agenda.
The crime of Lorenzo “Jimi” Altamirano, a 28-year-old juggler and member of a punk rock band, is considered by the prosecutor Schiappa Pietra “to be the first case in which the life of a person unrelated to a criminal network was used”. convey a mafia message”. “On the one hand, the level of belligerence in crime marks you, which is phenomenal, and on the other hand, they challenge public institutions,” he said. GlobeLiveMedia.

For Schiappa Pietra, the Altamirano case is an example of how the police have lost regulatory power over crime in the territory. “He doesn’t even have the capacity to handle the criminal cases he used to control, that is, the black boxes. There are officials from different areas who do not share information with each other in the face of certain events. The black boxes are shattered and unchecked,” he said.
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“We continue to confirm the hypothesis that they picked it up at random. And we have enough evidence to suggest that it could be framed in a dispute between members of Newell’s barra brava”, a- he argued while noting that the latest footage collected in the case shows that Altamirano was abducted near his home in Villa. Banana, in the western area of Rosario.
To the prosecutor’s surprise, after the brutal murder by Newell He did not formally communicate with the prosecution. “It grabs our attention. There was only one informal contact to provide camera footage, but as it was a crime committed outside the stadium, in the context of a possible fight between bars, the management has made no formal contact. It’s something we’ll try to generate next week,” he added.
“There is a sense of mismanagement in safe spaces that gangs shamelessly take advantage of and challenge any form of authority. I interpret that the departure of Security Minister Rubén Rimoldi was in some way linked to this, ”assured Schiappa Pietra.
One way to understand the use of the street by criminal organizations can be the high number of attacks that have taken place since the beginning of February, when they set fire to the front of a business located opposite the police headquarters of Rosario and left a message for Rodolfo Héctor Masini, an inmate at Rawson Federal Prison who is serving a sentence for drug trafficking in Rosario.
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That same February 1, they also killed Altamirano and at the same time they fired at the front of the 26th sub-police station in Villa Gobernador Gálvez. At the scenes of both events, messages were left for Damián Escobar, Nicolás Avalle, Leandro Vinardi and Gerardo Gómez, prisoners who make up the gang of Monkeys and who in turn run Newell’s bar brava, as prosecutors understand.
The response to these attacks came as Newell’s casually played at home against Vélez for the local football tournament. One was against the headquarters of the Criminal Investigation Agency and another against the Meat Syndicate. In these two cases, posters were also left, and they were addressed to Rodolfo Héctor Masini and Leandro Vilches, who is also in Rawson prison and is serving sentences for drug trafficking as a member of Los Monos.

In addition to the aforementioned attacks, there was a shootout against the 32nd police station, against the Municipal Center of the South-West District, against the prison located on February 27 at 7800 and against a branch of the New Santa Fe Bank. Although all the facts have been noted by the prosecutors of the shooting or flagrancy unit, it is expected that they will all be worked in collaboration with the Organized Crime Agency, since the dispute would oppose the same protagonists of the underworld.

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