Dogs are among favorite pets by Colombian families and caregivers, but many of them, due to their nature and characteristics, have been classified as Potentially dangerous, therefore, it is necessary to take security measures while sharing with them.

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From the EVA portal (Virtual Consulting Space – Civil Service) the Law 746 of 2002 which regulates the possession and registration of potentially dangerous dogs, the care measures and the responsibilities that their owners have to assume when sharing with their dogs in urban and rural areas of the National territory.
In accordance with Article 108 F “Potentially Dangerous Canine Specimens”, Law 746 of 2002 declared that those with one or more of the following characteristics are considered potentially dangerous dogs:
- Dogs that have had episodes of aggression against people or other dogs.
- A dog that has been trained for attack and defense.
In turn, the law detailed some of the breeds, crosses or hybrids considered potentially dangerous dogs:
- American Staffordshire Terrier.
- Bullmastiff.
- Dobermann.
- Dogo Argentino.
- Mastiffs of Bordeaux.
- Brazilian queue.
- Neapolitan Mastiff.
- Pit Bull Terrier.
- American Pit Bull Terrier.
- canarian prey.
- Rotweiler.
- Staffordshire Terrier.
- Japanese tosa.
It should be noted that, according to the law, the owner or the person in charge of a potentially dangerous canine assumes the “risk positionwhich can be caused by the mere possession of these animals and for the harm and inconvenience this animal may cause to people, as well as to things, roads, public spaces and the natural environment.

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Caregivers of these dogs should keep in mind that when outdoors or in an area with a high congruence of people and other pets or in a street situation, Dogs must have or have a face mask, among other safety features.
The delegated police authorities in the event of non-compliance with the law, by the owners and guardians of these canids, will confiscate copy and a fine of five legal minimum wages in force will be imposed as a sanction. In turn, this incident will be recorded in the respective animal registry.

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On the other hand, the dog will become the responsibility and supervision of the kennels that the municipalities or districts will determine. The person responsible for the dog will have a maximum of ten days from the date of confiscation to remove it.
The owner will need to be provided with a muzzle, collar and leash and have the peace and security document of the fine imposed by the authorities, in order to exempt the dog from the responsibility of the district.
“The costs generated by the stay of the animal in the kennels will be borne by the owner. If the owner does not remove it within the time limit, the animal will be declared in a state of abandonment and it may be euthanized.
He Section 108H explained that minors cannot be carriers of the aforementioned canine specimens on public roads, places open to the public and in the common areas of buildings or residential complexes.
Likewise, there is restriction to people who are intoxicated, under the influence of psychoactive substances or who have physical limitations.
If a potentially dangerous dog attacks another petthe owner will be sanctioned by the competent authorities with a fine of two minimum monthly salaries and will be required to pay for all damage caused to the other animal.
In the event that a potentially dangerous dog attack a person by inflicting wounds permanent animal of any kind, the authorities will confiscate and euthanize the animal.
Finally, the national government reiterated that all fighting of any canine specimen as a spectacle is prohibited; People who organize, disseminate or promote these activities will be penalized with five to twenty times the monthly legal minimum wage in force “without prejudice to the criminal liability provided for in Act 84 of 1989 on acts of cruelty to animals”, a- he added.