Moscow, February 13. Russia will send in 2023 more than 80% of its oil exports and 75% of its derivatives to “friendly countries”, Russian Deputy Prime Minister Alexandr Novak said in an article published today in the magazine ” Energeticheskaya Polítika”.

“In the current year, it is planned to send to friendly countries more than 80% of crude oil exports and 75% of petroleum product exports,” said Novak, head of Russia’s energy sector.

At the same time, he stressed that Russia’s position towards states that support illegitimate price restrictions imposed on Russian crude remains unchanged.

“These countries will not receive Russian oil,” he stressed.

On December 5, the European Union (EU) embargo on oil from Russia by sea entered into force, a measure that coincided with the imposition by the EU, G7 and Australia a ceiling price of 60 dollars per barrel of Russian crude.

In addition, on the 5th of this month, the EU, G7 and Australia also started applying maximum prices to Russian petroleum products; 100 dollars per barrel for diesel and 40 dollars per barrel for other derivatives.

Novak recalled that last year, Russia extracted 535.2 million tons of crude, 2% more than in 2021, and that oil exports increased by 7.6% and totaled 272 million. tons.

He pointed out that in 2022 a project was carried out to increase transport capacities to the port of Kózmino in the Far East of Russia, which guaranteed the increase in crude oil exports to the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. ECE


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