Amid the frustrated advance of elections, social protests and disagreements in the Congressthe sounder Data testified to the position of the Peruvians on current issues such as the installation of a constituent assembly, the intervention of the Armed Forces (FFAA.) in protests, constitutional changes, among others.

The study was carried out between February 3 and 7, with a base of 1,204 interviews nationwide. At the question “How would you feel if the armed forces came out to control the mobilizations?“, it was recorded that 33% expressed “acceptance” of the measure. On the other side, as for them, they are 23% to reject this possible action.


On the other hand, the citizens were also consulted on the objective of a constituent assembly. Respondents were interviewed as follows: “What is or what is a constituent assembly for?

Faced with this, only 17% of the population showed that they knew the answer, in this section, with the item “change of Constitution”, while another 47% expressed that they “don’t know” what is the function of this table.


Despite the ignorance, the aforementioned Datum study also reported that 56% of Peruvians agree with the installation of this assembly. On the other side, 34% voted against and 10% went into the “don’t know” ranks.


In addition, it was possible to report that 37% of people are “annoyed” by the protests “that have taken place in the country”. 23% say they are “frustrated”, the same sector “threatened/affected”, 6% “optimistic” and 4% “optimistic”.


On the “mobilizations”, in addition, the following consultation is transferred to the population: “What do you think is the underlying reason for these mobilizations and marches?

In this regard, 29% assured that they “want to change Peru”, while 25% answered “to ask for a greater presence of the State”. Other groups answered “imposing their ideology/political option” (17%); “support Pedro Castillo” (15%) and “earn money by participating in demonstrations and marches” (7%).


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