Ride or Die (2021) –   The story revolves around Rei Nagasawa, a twenty-something lesbian, and Nanae Shinoda, who was his classmate and is now the victim of brutal abuse by her husband. Rei has been in love with Nanae since her high school years, and murders her husband for her. Nanae only feels repulsion and fear towards Rei for having come so far, but she is willing to do anything to save Nanae. While looking for love in each other, both see that their emotions are incompatible … Drama – Romance – Thriller movie available to download and watch online for free. 


Date:  April 17, 2021
Original title: Ride or Die 
Year: 2021
Duration: 142 min.
Country: Japan
Director: Ryuichi Hiroki
Script: (Manga: Ching Nakamura)
Music: Haruomi Hosono
Cast: Kiko Mizuhara, Honami Satô
Producer: Kodansha, Shogakukan-Shueisha Productions (Distributor: Netflix)
Genre: Drama. Romance. Thriller | Homosexuality


Audio: Latin – Subtitled
Quality: HD720
Format: MP4
Size: 2.13 Gb Aprox
Servers: Google Drive | MEGA | Uptobox | 1fichier | Watch online


Contigo a muerte.Contigo a muerte 1Contigo a muerte. 1Contigo a muerte




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