A handful of this antioxidant-rich fruit in your fifties would help slow cognitive decline.
There are foods that deserve to be on the menu more often. This is the case of blueberries which would be a preventive weapon against dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Eating well can indeed provide the brain with the nutrients it needs, recalls a study published in the scientific journal Nutrients.
As part of this research, researchers from the University of Cincinnati in the United States recruited 33 adults over the age of 50 who had gained weight. A first group received the equivalent of a handful of blueberries a day for three months, the other had to stop consuming them completely. Cognitive tests were performed throughout the experiment.
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Five fruits and vegetables a day
Verdict: The researchers found a significant improvement in the memory of participants who ate the most fruit. According to the authors, the berries may have a protective effect because they contain anthocyanins, a type of flavonoid that can reduce inflammation.
“The demonstration of these benefits in middle-aged people with insulin resistance and cognitive decline suggests that continued berry supplementation may help protect against cognitive decline when implemented early in people at risk”, concludes Dr Robert Krikorian, who led the study.
Professor Philippe Amouyel recommends in his book The Anti-Alzheimer’s Guide, the secrets of a healthy brain to consume at least five fruits and vegetables a day, if possible raw or crunchy to preserve all their nutritional quality.