The promise come back one more week on the evening grills of La 1 de TVE. In just a few months, this Spanish series produced by Bambú has become a must for lovers of soap operas and its legion of fans does not want to miss a single movement of its protagonists. And that’s it, The promise With an exceptional cast led by Eva Martín, an incomparable setting and an original plot full of intrigue and passion, this period fiction has managed to set audience records and retain an audience that, in part, already thought in the Turkish key.

And precisely to give all the fans of The promiseStarting with LOS40, we’ve compiled the advances that RTVE makes public each week so anyone who wants to get ahead of the broadcast and find out everything that’s coming to their favorite series can do so here.

If you’re one of the thousands and thousands of fans who don’t want to wait until 4:30 p.m. every day to find out what’s coming! The promisekeep reading!

What will happen in Monday Chapter 24

Lope apologizes to María Fernández for kissing her and apologizes for the nervousness she feels about Camilo’s kidnapping. She tells him that everything is fine and that everything is forgotten, but is it really like that? Jana tries to tend to Curro’s wounds after the last beating Lorenzo inflicted on her. Moreover, the young girl takes advantage of this situation to tell the gentleman that the captain is perhaps not her biological father and the boy decides to extort information from Cruz about his past. La Promesa prepares to receive a new visit, the Duke of the Infantes who comes who has a very special task, which Jimena and Manuel will not like much or nothing.

Maidens and cooks from ‘The Promise’. / RTVE / Bamboo Productions

What will happen in the Tuesday Chapter 25

Alonso and Cruz play in a tense encounter. Preparations for the wedding between Manuel and Jimena seem to be going smoothly, as well as their love. In fact, she offers him to stay in La Promesa for a long time, the time to finalize the details of the marriage. At the same time, Curro continues to doubt that Lorenzo is really his father and Jana celebrates that he is able to think for himself. Even so, María Ferández doesn’t fully trust the youngster.

What will happen in Wednesday Chapter 26

Curro discovers something about his father. Rómulo and Pía try to find out the reasons behind Gregorio’s peculiar behavior with Rómulo. The Duke of Infantes tells Alonso that he doesn’t want his granddaughter walking down the aisle with Manuel because the Luján clan has hidden the economic accounts. The marquis asks him to withdraw this statement.

What will happen in Thursday Chapter 27

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Distribution of “The Promise”. / RTVE / Bamboo Productions

Despite everything that has happened in the previous chapters between the Dukes of Infants and the Marquises of Luján, they reach an agreement to celebrate the marriage. Candela confesses to Jana that she knows about Pía’s pregnancy. There will be no layoffs at The Promise. Pía is still interested in investigating the butler. What he doesn’t know is that Rómulo isn’t waiting for Gregorio’s confession.

What will happen in Friday the 28th Chapter

Catalina, Martina and Jana believe that Manuel’s love for Jimena is self-serving. Lope confesses to María everything he knows about Salvador. But this reality is very hard for María Fernández, who accuses her of lying to gain access to her friend’s position and take advantage of the situation. The marchioness, induced by her husband, goes down to the kitchens to congratulate Candela, Simona and Lope, when she really wanted to say goodbye to them.

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