Come back The promise! The hit series FTE 1 another week begins with more intrigue and entanglements. Although on this occasion, the public channel will shorten the broadcast due to Holy Thursday and Easter Friday, so viewers of the afternoon dramas will see their dose of chapters reduced to three.

This is the weekly chapter advance of The promisefrom La 1 de TVE. Don’t miss it!:

Monday, April 3 Chapter 67 Preview

The Marquise is still very concerned about the disappearance of her father and asks Rómulo to help her in the search and the Marquis, in turn, focuses on the recovery of his son.

The Promise Weekly Advance (TVE) / AND P

Jana has already taken back the threatening notes she sent to the Baron, but now is the time to return the gun and the bullets she stole. María, very saddened by Salvador’s departure, writes him a letter with the help of Lope, while Camilo continues his work to get Jimena away from La Promesa.

The priest, for his part, encourages Petra to speak to his wife, as a warning for the mistreatment inflicted on his companions.

Tuesday April 4th Chapter 68 Synopsis

In this episode we will see Cruz’s reaction when he discovers Lope in the kitchens and he promises to take revenge. Finally, the marquis communicate to Pía and Rómulo the terrible consequences of their disobedience. Candela and Simona know that Petra is behind this betrayal and they confront her.

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Weekly preview of The Promise. / AND P

Jana discovers that Manuel has suffered seizures in Jimena’s presence and the young woman admits that it is difficult for her to take care of him and this causes Jana some discomfort. Rómulo and Curro continue their investigations to find the baron, while Jana, María Fernández, Pía and Teresa keep their secret safe. They can’t imagine that Father Camilo will see how Jana and María Fernández will bring the gun back to the library.

Wednesday April 5th Chapter 69 Summary

last chapter of the week! Manuel’s condition has worsened and the doctor’s diagnosis is worrying. Cruz, alarmed, unloads his frustration on Alonso, breaking up the marriage. Lope apologizes to his colleagues for jeopardizing their jobs by agreeing to cook at La Promesa.

He will try to talk to the gentlemen to take full responsibility. Jana, for her part, continues to take care of Manuel in secret, until Alonso discovers her. Curro is unable to carry out his aunt’s order to find the Baron, whose disappearance also does not allow him to concentrate on his studies. Alonso has a surprise for Rómulo: a new butler is coming to La Promesa to oversee his work. Meanwhile, Catalina cannot find the brooch that belonged to her mother.

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