Next Sunday, November 6, 2022 at 2:00 a.m. it’s the official time when daylight saving time ends in Chicago and we’ll have to turn the clock back one hour.
This year, the first Sunday in November officially marks the start of winter time and by turning back the clock we can take advantage of an additional 60 minutes to sleep a little longer.
Smartphones automatically update their schedules, and many people choose to change their home clocks to the time they wake up — rather than 2 a.m.
The purpose is to adapt the hours of natural light to daily activity and has its origin in the first oil crisis. In 1974, some countries decided to advance their clocks to reduce their dependence on electricity, in this way people began to save electricity and make better use of their mornings and afternoons.
The idea of harnessing natural light was first suggested in the 18th century by the American scientist and diplomat Benjamin Franklin. His proposal then sought to reduce the consumption of candles. There is also another story behind what is known as Daylight Saving Time or DST.
It dates back to 1905, when an Englishman named William Willet noticed that many Londoners slept on sunny mornings. He campaigned for the time change and it was in effect until his death in 1915.
The United States began to adjust its clock in 1918 and to this day it is a very controversial topic.
We recommend that you set your watch or alarm clock before going to sleep the previous Saturday night. Your electronic devices such as cell phones, tablets and computers will adjust automatically.
Currently, two states maintain their regular schedules throughout the year: Hawaii and Arizona. Indiana did not have daylight saving time until 2006, when state laws changed.
Officially the meteorological autumn begins on September 1 and the meteorological winter on December 1.