The use of Computer graphics in anime, it’s always quite a controversial topic. Just remember all the ax blows that fell on MAP at the time for using a CGI with the titans of “Shingeki no Kyojin” which, admittedly, might not have been exactly elite, but it was still far more than functional. However, there are some occasions where I think the criticism is more than warranted, and one of ‘between them is undoubtedly in the case of “KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World“.

Kamikatsu’s CGI Will Haunt Your Worst Nightmares

Since a picture is worth a thousand words, I think I’ll leave you with the TikTok that has made the CGI used in “KamiKatsu” so viral in recent hours (via @ueeb00):

Just because. I do not understand how today you can continue to give the green light to such a CGI. Because if something like that comes across as bad 2D animation, well, that’s it, but the problem is that using CGI in situations like this automatically gets everyone to know you and not for the best reasons.

On the other hand, if we look who is behind the production maybe things are more understandable:

  • Workshop pallet is the adaptation lead for KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World.
  • The study is quite recent, so its foundation refers to 2018. During this period, they were only able to work on 4 animes:
    • The world’s best assassin is reincarnated in another world as an aristocrat
    • Shonen Ashibe GO! GO! Goma-chan Temporada 4
    • Quality assurance in another world (Por emit)
    • KamiKatsu: Working for God in a Godless World
  • For now, none of the studio’s anime has become a technical marvel, and given the results of KamiKatsu, it is clear that things will continue this way.

The worst thing about CGI is that it’s April and I’m convinced that we still have a year to go for other productions to fight for the title of “Worst CGI of the year” against “KamiKatsu“. But again, I have to stress that not all CGI is bad, and for those who don’t believe in it, there are things like “Land of the Lustrous”, “Beastars”, ” Dorohedoro” or without going too far: the movie “Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero”, which was released during the last 2022.

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