Pope Francis Gets Wet on Abortion, Immigration and Church Abuse

82 minutes of conversations between 10 young people and the dad francisco topics as interesting and fundamental as immigration, abortion or church abuse. This is how we can sum up Amen: Francisco respondsa documentary made by neighborhood productions (company behind which the same Jordi Evole) and that it is available from April 5, 2023 on Disney Plus.

As I anticipated, there are various topics that the dad franciscobeing three of them those who gave us the most controversial responses to the documentary. What are these responses from the Sovereign Pontiff that can shake the foundations of the Church?

Pope Francis’ response on immigration

When Pope Francis is asked about racism within the Church, he admits that in his case, “sometimes I find spiritual worldliness in the Vatican“In this way, he believes it is important for the Church to be reformed when necessary, because as we evolve as a culture and a society, cultures change:”the Church said nothing with slavery because the cultures were like that at that time“.

What does Pope Francis think of abortion?

He dad francisco calls for analyzing abortion from a scientific and cold point of view: “in any embryology book, we are told that one month after conception, the DNA is already drawn and one could say, each of the organs is drawn. It’s not a bunch of cells that came together but it’s a human life“. This is the main problem with abortion for the Argentinian. He understands that there are situations and situations, without being a mathematical problem that can be answered with a single formula.

Pope Francis and abuses in the Church

Pope Francis has assured that the mistreatment of minors is not prescribed, “at least not in church. One of the boys sitting on Amen: Francisco responds He assures that after having suffered abuse in his childhood, he verified that the person who committed them was still giving lessons. Regarding abuses in the Church, the Argentinian assures us that “the drama of child abuse is more scandalous in the Church because, precisely where it is necessary to take care of people, they are destroyed (…). There may be people playing badly. The policy is clean. If we know he plays bad, let the complaint come and we clean up“. For him, the Church has a policy of zero tolerance for abuse.

Moreover, he acknowledges that “the temptation of the Church was to cover it up“, but eventually the Catholic body realized the problem, finding everything: “from the denier who denies the evidence, to the repentant“.

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