One of the most powerful series of all those created in First video in March 2023 is Sin huellas, a comedy created by Carlos de Pando there Sara Antuna (¡García!) and directed by, among others, paco caballero there koldo serra. With these names behind the scenes, it was rare for anything to go wrong. But after seeing the first episodes of its first season, I can say that my expectations were met. One drawback of Prime Video, however, is that I don’t play any footprints. No one knows about this series (something similar to what happened with The cry of butterflies In Disney+). And that’s too bad, because as soon as you’ve been convinced by the spirit of Ladies of (H)AMPA oh Vis à vishere is an addictive product, rhythmic and very well done.
Sin huellas is above all a comedy
Despite the fact that Sin huellas is a Spanish western (a lot of Spanish, as MR would say), I think it’s first and foremost a comedy. and eventually a great dark comedy. Two cleaners have to accept a dubious mission; but of course, the crisis is what it has and you have to accept it. However, they find themselves embroiled in a criminal conspiracy that eventually overtakes them and they must escape while proving their innocence.
With this brief synopsis, we can believe that this is the umpteenth thriller to be released on streaming platforms. It is true that no fingerprints could be classified as whodunnitbut thanks to the ‘salt shaker’ of its two protagonists, interpreted by caroline yust there Camila Sodieverything turns into a black comedy where irony and sarcasm are used very cleverly. And we’re not talking about smiles and nothing else: Sin huellas has sequences you’ll break the box with, blushing moments and hilarious dialogues. And be careful, because even if there is humor, the situation that these two cleaning ladies are going through is far from being a paradise: they fell in hell, but since they fall squarely, why not do it with art?
A western with a Spanish touch (and a lot of action)
At the same time, No footprint is any kind of western to spanish who works. Without being located in the Wild West, it has a large part of its elements: our protagonists are persecuted by justice, and at the same time by a whole criminal plot which wants to finish them. Ambushes, eternal clashes and very “local” landscapes are some of its characteristics.. Prime Video and makers sold it as a “western paella“and I think that term fits what it is no fingerprints.
Now, this is where it struggles to find the balance: when it comes to comedy, the show really stands out. However, when he fully immerses himself in the ‘paella western’ and in the whodunnitthe script is serious problems of maintaining the balance between naturalism (something that is sought with its dialogues and its situations) and surrealism further ‘surrealist‘. If the spectator knows how to make concessions, he surely knows how to value no fingerprints Like it should be.
Is it worth watching Without Footprints on Prime Video?
Definitely yes. I think if you lose yourself no fingerprints because of your prejudices towards Spanish series, you will miss an opportunity to entertain yourself like never before with a whodunnit. Because it is, but it’s also a smart comedy featuring “normal” characters. And with the suspense that there is chapter after chapter, you will finish its first season almost without realizing it.