The film trilogy “Peak hour” or better known on our continent as “An explosive couple”is an action comedy starring Jackie Chan there chris tucker. The first film in the series was released in 1998 and was a blockbusterwhich led to the creation of two sequels.

The trilogy follows a Hong Kong cop (Jackie Chan) and an LAPD detective (Chris Tucker) as they work on various missions together. Combining the typical action sequences that became so popular in the 80s and 90s with Jackie Chan’s martial arts choreography and Tucker’s humor was a hit with audiences, becoming A classic of action and comedy cinema.

“Explosive Couple 4” is coming! They are ready?

After years of rumors and speculation, Actor Jackie Chan has officially confirmed that the fourth installment of “An Explosive Couple” is in development. Chan made the announcement at the Red Sea International Film Festival in December, where he also revealed he would meet with the film’s director that evening to work on the script.

While no official plot details have been released for “Running Couples 4,” co-star Chris Tucker has expressed excitement about returning to the franchise. In a recent interview, Tucker included “Rush Hour 4” in his list of upcoming projects and promised that the movie would be on another level.

The third Rogue Couple movie was released in 2007, which means fans have been waiting over a decade for a sequel to the franchise. Although Tucker hinted in 2018 that “Rush Hour 4” was on the way, the sequel did not advance at the time.

It is important to note that the three previous “Una Pareja Explosiva” films were directed by Brett Ratner, who has been accused of sexual harassment and misconduct by several women in recent years. Warner Bros., the parent company of New Line, has severed all ties with Ratner, which means he is unlikely to be involved in the fourth installment of the franchise.

While there’s no official release date for Rush Hour 4 yet, fans of the franchise are excited that the film is finally in the works. Chan and Tucker’s combination of comedy and action has been a hit in the past, and fans are hoping the fourth installment doesn’t disappoint.

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Meanwhile, details about the film’s plot, director, and other cast have yet to be revealed. We will have to wait for more details on the development of “An Explosive Couple 4”

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