Even the name of the game refers to Hideo Kojima’s incredible demo.

if you ask me what is the scariest game i have ever playedI would answer without hesitation for a second that PT And the amazing thing is that technically it’s not even a game, since it’s a demo (PT stands for Playable teaserPlayable teaser) by silent hillsa title that sadly never materialized.

Introducing terrifying Paranormal Tales, the PT-inspired game

  • All of this couldn’t have come from the mind of anyone but Hideo Kojima, a visionary who exudes equal parts genius and madness with each of his creations.
  • Since PT came into our lives and revolutionized the horror genre, many titles have been inspired (sometimes shamelessly) by the demo.
  • This is the case of Paranormal Talesa game that drinks so much PT that even their acronyms match.
  • A few months ago it was first featured in a brief teaser but now finally thanks to the portal IGN you can see Paranormal Tales in Action And the truth is that it looks very terrifying.
  • You can judge for yourself below:

What do you think? Do you think it’s a worthy spiritual successor to PT or will it come to nothing? what little i saw I found it amazing and, though it’s hard for her to reach the terror of Hideo Kojima’s work, I wouldn’t be surprised if she comes close.

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