Since she left Operation Triumph in the edition that won Amaia Romero threw the first to Lola Indigo and stood out the father what is certain is that nerea rodriguez didn’t stop working. She released singles and worked on the musical The call and he never stopped fighting to be able to continue to live from his passion.

Freshly published For the first time, one more step forward from the upcoming album. He is inspired by his relationship with Mass of Hector whom he has been dating for more than three years, but only reminiscing about those first times between them.

The song is about a possible breakup and that, at the moment, doesn’t even cross their minds. malibu, her previous single, was also inspired by her story, this time about her long-distance relationship. And it is that the DJ currently lives in Los Angeles and she lives in Madrid.

From time to time, they find intermediate points to see each other, like Dominican Republic where they spent a mini vacation together a few weeks ago.

couples vacation

“I have a friend that I met through work, he’s a musical theater producer who lives in the Dominican Republic and he’s been saying for a long time that we’re going to visit him because we’re going to love the island. I set up a few days because it’s been a long time since I took a vacation, just like that because, Although I always spend the summer in Ibiza, in the end it is always very crowded, and I wanted a real vacation, disconnection, not working. I tried not working and it more or less worked for me,” he told us.

A vacation that coincided with his last outing. “Yes, but in the end I attach great importance to my personal life and sometimes I say, what if I go away for a week? This is not the end of the world. Nothing happens, a week is decisive in nobody’s life. And if the opportunity of my life had passed, I would take a plane and go home,” he confessed.

island of temptations

It is in the Dominican Republic that the editions of island of temptations. Have they gone to reconnoitre the ground for future participation?

“No. It’s more than talked about. Sometimes these offers come in. It’s not an offer you made to me today and no one has made it to me before. Like it is something very clear. In the end, we are both artists and we both want to orient our lives towards the artistic world. This type of reality would bring me nothing today and neither would it be. Maybe another type of thing that has another purpose,” he said firmly.

What he does not exclude is the medium. “I like doing television. For example in Your face is familiar to meawesome. All programs that are musical will always be a yesand all the things in which I can learn and add up, it will also be a yes, but this program, no”, he insisted on his presence on the island.

Maybe a Chef. “Yes, something like that that I could use in life, yes and which in the end brings you closer to the public. I understand that in island of temptations yes, it can bring you closer to an audience, but I don’t know if that’s how I want to approach an audience”, he reflected on what it would be like to participate in the couples program.

Moreover, she is happy with her boyfriend and there is no need to test their relationship.

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