Now that Hogwarts Legacy is on sale worldwide for PC, PS5 and Xbox Series X | S, the dream of many has finally come true. If you’re one of those people who’s had a great time screaming Flipendo and collecting colorful drops in PS2 titles, I’m sure you won’t be able to do anything but smile as you explore the corners of the world’s map. amazing game from Avalanche Studios.

Perhaps one of the few “buts” that can be Hogwarts Legacy is that it’s designed as a single-player experience. Going to classes, accepting missions and visiting the castle with your friends would have been a hoot for thousands of people, but unfortunately the developers chose to focus on the single player mode. But beware, That’s not to say it’ll never get a co-op mode..

Playing Hogwarts Legacy with a friend?

  • Several times the modding community He’s the one who’s in charge of adding what you were missing in a video game
  • In the case of Hogwarts Legacy, there are already people working on a mod called HogWarpwhich includes a cooperative mode to play with a friend
  • This project is currently in the preliminary phase and can be tried in early access if you are subscribed to Patreon of its creators
  • You can check what this multiplayer looks like through the video I’ll leave the rest to you


Hogwarts Legacy AMZ off PS5

  • Pre-order and get the Hippogriff Onyx mount and the Felix Felicis potion recipe.
  • Hogwarts Legacy is an immersive open-world action RPG. Now you can take control of the action and be the center of your own adventure in the magical world.

What else do you miss in Hogwarts Legacy?

Since the game’s release, I’ve read all sorts of things about it, mostly positive. It seems Wizarding World fans are very happy with the work of Avalanche Studios and Warner Bros. Games, but as you might expect, there are things they haven’t put in place that many are missing.

Beyond multiplayer, I read a quite a few people exclaiming that they wish they had more options so they could “do wrong” at Hogwarts. It seems like being a dark wizard in this game isn’t possible, and that’s a shame.

What would you like to see in a future sequel or even DLC? You are probably thinking of Quidditch…

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