The United States confirmed this Wednesday its first human infection of monkeypox, while Canada investigates 13 suspected cases.

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health announced in a statement the confirmation of monkeypox (or monkeypox) infection in a man who recently traveled to Canada.

“Given that we have seen confirmed cases in Portugal, suspected cases in Spain, we are seeing an expansion globally… And given the many trips between the United States and Europe, I think we will see cases in the United States.Jennifer McQuiston, deputy director of the division of high-consequence pathogens at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, had advanced.

The CDC is investigating all possible contacts of the patient.

Canada records 13 suspected cases of monkeypox

In Canada, the report is of 13 suspected cases, all of them in Montreal according to information provided by Radio Canada.

Until now, nine cases have been confirmed in the UK; 14 in Portugal and one in the United States. There are six other suspected cases in Portugal, 23 in Spain and 13 in Canada.

Doctors stress that this rare disease It is not very contagious between humans, has no treatment and usually heals itself.

Its symptoms include fever, headache, muscle aches, back pain, swollen lymph nodes, chills, and fatigue. Skin rashes can also appear, especially on the face, and spread to other parts of the body.

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