Trap lovers are in luck. One of the maximum referents of the new generations, mike woodzis a first, and not just any. It’s neither more nor less than his new studio album AND Citywith which he demonstrates great musical versatility.
The disc has 16 songs that take us through the sounds of reggaeton and trap and arrive loaded with romance, sensuality and lots of fun. Miky takes us on a musical journey starting with his opening theme Welcome to OG Citythat it is a clear invitation to dive with him into his own universe.
The tracklist of AND City brings themes of all kinds and perfect for listening in any situation. Never Came is about a heartbreak story, while We do not knowOn the contrary, it deals with the importance of enjoying life and every second it gives us. Of course, the pride in his origins could not be missing, and this is something that leads us to I am like this.
But Miky is not alone with this new project. The legendaries Jowell and Randy accompany him in No Naki suit, which is about seducing the girl they are in love with. In their music video, they are closer than ever and very eager to have a good time at a party. As expected, reggaeton sounds predominate, so it’s no surprise that this song ends up playing, and a lot, in clubs around the world.
There is even more. J Balvin, Juhn and Manuel Turizo join him in Hallelujah, your list there It’s worth it, respectively, thus demonstrating that no one can resist their bars. “I come with the muse of this album, well motivated. Thanking all my fans, who are always waiting for novelty and supporting my creations. They know that I love them. I hope they will appreciate”, declares the artist.
The Puerto Rican thus begins a new musical era with which he imposes himself as one of the references of the trap and, in general, of the urban music of the new generations. And you, did you hear? AND City? What is your favorite song of the 16 you presented? It is difficult for us, and many, to choose just one.