After being part of a group like A direction and ending somewhat abruptly for millions of his followers who are still waiting for his return, it still seems like there are shadows overshadowing the end of these boy bands. However Louis Tomlinson He wanted to shed some light on what his time in training has brought him.

At a time when controversy, scandal or bad vibrations sell much more, the now soloist wanted to clarify what made him most proud of his time in the British group. And he did it as a preview (or trailer) of his impending documentary All These Voices, which will be released on March 22.

“I always thought it would be great if we weren’t just your standard boy band who get songs and sing them. Maybe we should write our own songs. I once felt that the things were working and I could see As we got people’s attention, I realized we could make some of our own decisions,” he begins, explaining in English during the promotional video for his new project.

“Suddenly I felt like I was in control again. The first two and a half years, I felt like I didn’t control myself or have any influence on the band. When I think about what I’m proud of One Direction, I think of us as a collective. When I think of what I’m most proud of as an individual in this group, it’s definitely having the most credits. writing. It makes me feel important to the band, and that’s all I ever wanted when I was a little boy” concludes Louis Tomlinson in the video of just over a minute.

All these voices It aims to provide audiences with a much more intimate and heartfelt insight into the former One Direction’s life and musical career. The singer explained how excited he was about this new project. Tomlinson confessed that he had been working on the film for several years, which he created as a gift to his fans to show his appreciation for the great support and love he has received since his early years in the industry.

The documentary is directed by Charlie Lightening and we will be able to see from exclusive home recording footage everything that happened behind the scenes of Louis’ 2022 world tour. The documentary will also reflect the ups and downs low that the artist suffered. throughout his career, both the superstar level he achieved and his worst moments in a more personal realm.

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