We live in a time when it is not normal for a game to provide us with a demo so that we can test it before its release. That is why, in cases where it occurs, it is celebrated. Today, at least, it is celebrated. If I didn’t mind filling myself up with who knows what liquid substances while bathing in Cibeles to do it, I would. The reason? LIVE A LIVE has set a date for its launch on PC, PS4 and PS5 and, in addition, has revealed some other small details about its new demo. I leave you with all the information below so you can have it as close as possible.

LIVE A LIVE releases April 27 on PC and PlayStation

  • The game will arrive on both platforms on the mentioned date
  • However, there is already a demo available in the various stores. The links are as follows:
    • Link to demo on PS5 1⃣
    • Link to demo on PS4 2⃣
    • On PC, there is no demo available yetbut it is not known if they will end up launching one in the next few days (I will be careful to update this article in case that happens) 3⃣
  • The game will cost 49.99 euros initially and can already be reserved
  • I’m reminding you that any progress you make in the demo will carry over to the game when it launches in late April
  • Afterwards, I leave you with a LIVE A LIVE trailer in case you haven’t had the opportunity to do so yet

¿Merece la pena LIVE A LIVE?

Live A Live is a classic JRPG game that never really left Japan at the time; something that changed with this new edition that arrived on Nintendo Switch a few months ago. Those who have played they describe it as delicious not only for its 2.5-dimensional art style, but because of a plot that captivates and a gameplay that keeps its promises.

Finally, I can only remind you that I will be attentive to any news that arises concerning the game in the coming days to tell you about it as soon as possible.

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