Duel on the honor roll, Grefg and Kun Agüero look to show who is the best in the Kings League
Showdown on the high table Since league of kings. Neither team has much at stake, but the confrontation between two teams accustomed to winning is a clash of egos. TheGrefg (still winner) against Kun Agüero (world champion). Ok, the world champion thing is a bit taken with a grain of salt but it has to be given some emotion, people.
Saiyans to carry several winning games by the minimum and went to penalties several times. Although they sometimes won by beating, in their last matches they struggled to win. For its part, Kunisports have a solid defense who can stop the attacks of those in Grefg and put them in trouble.
player 12
Saiyans count again John Capdevilathat he will play as soon as he can in the team if his professional obligations allow it.
Kunisports brings us to Walter MontilloArgentinian player who has crossed different Argentinian, Chilean and Brazilian teams.
secret weapon
Summary of Saiyans FC vs Kunisports
Saiyans FC x -x Kunisports
First part:
Second part:
Other Kings League Matchday 8 matches