2023 was the year set by Kesha to present their new comeback. The singer did not return to the top of the world charts with the themes of her previous works. However, everything seems to indicate that she is determined that her next album will be a success and that she can regain her place as a global popstar.

Just a few weeks ago, Kesha, via an Instagram Live, shared with her followers a minute of a brand new song that was more reminiscent of her early hits than her more recent songs. Now, the American artist has used the same social network to fuel what’s to come and, on this occasion, has revealed the titles of some songs that will appear in his next studio album.

  • Thin line
  • live my head
  • eat the acid
  • The drama

Kesha didn’t specify if any of these songs have something to do with the cut we heard last January or if any of them will be the single that will open this new stage of her career. What is clear is that the Californian’s return to the stage is getting closer, judging by all the information she herself is pushing through social media.

Kesha’s New Age

After the musical break he took between Warrior there Rainbow, which coincided with her rehab for an eating disorder and the ensuing legal battle against producer Dr. Luke, Kesha hasn’t stopped working. In 2020, he publishes Highway – a more alternative and deeper album – and the following year, in 2021, he participated in various collaborations with artists such as Gradson, Walker Hayes and Sam Feldt. However, last year she was more absent because she worked on this future album.

We’ll be following Kesha’s steps closely to see if she reveals any new details soon or, better yet, take it a step further and set a date for the song that will serve as the cover letter for this long-awaited comeback by all her ‘animals. ‘. Kesha won!

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