The Anime Return of “Jujutsu Kaisen” is, by far, one of the most anticipated of this 2023. After the success it has achieved MAP with the first season as well as the film “Jujutsu Kaisen 0“, it’s clear that season 2 is the one that will get all the shisha it deserves. On the other hand, the usual thing would be that there would still be a few weeks left until the premiere date of the season in question. be revealed to us . . but everything indicates that the official Twitter made a serious mistake.

Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 would start the first week of July

Then I leave you with the image they shared by WSJ_Mangawhich basically includes this “mistake” that I say the Twitter “Jujutsu Kaisen” surely made:

The image that would reveal the return of season 2 of the anime

Basically what this image you can see entails is this:

  • According to the image in question, the anime of Jujutsu Kaisen will begin its season 2 from July 6, 2023.
  • What is the picture? Well it’s about a new header which had been placed on the front page of Jujutsu Kaisen’s Twitter… although the image was quickly deleted. The reason? Unknown, but everything indicates that it is due to the fact that it included the release date of the second season of the anime.
  • In case anyone is curious, the image itself is for the new promotional poster which they shared for season 2. Along with that, it was remembered that The show will continue from July to December 2023. Indeed, MAPPA will once again shape a season of +20 episodes.
  • It is important to pay attention to Jujutsu Kaisen Season 2 premiere date has NOT been officially confirmed at this time, so for now you have to take this as a rumour/leak.

Personally, I think it’s very likely that July 6 will end up being the day that “Jujutsu Kaisen” Season 2 actually airs.. After all, we’ve confirmed that the season as such begins sometime in July, so that strikes me as a rather telling mistake. In any case, what has been said: we will have to wait for a future occasion when the announcement is officially made.

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