Welcome Guardians, take your weapons and get ready because it’s time to return to Destiny 2. But what was Destiny 2 about? Does this game still work? Can I play it after so many years? What can I do with my life? Relax, relax velociraptors, we’re going to see how the game is today and how accessible it is for beginners.
Destiny 2 launched in 2017 and since then, Bungie’s game has gone through many phases. Lots of phases that were loved and others that weren’t but, To this day, it’s a perfect game to rediscover and get addicted to Because as I have already told you, the idea is to see how the game is today and if it is accessible to novices like me.
Is Destiny 2 accessible in 2023?
- The best way to start is to play with all the free content
- Paid extensions are handy as you progress through the game
- Free content includes exciting public events and main quests
- In each world you can find many options to play
- On your return, the best is to do a tutorial
- After that we can start placing orders with NPCs
- The NPC will give us contracts with which we will gain items and experience
- It will be very important to level up the character to access certain areas
- In the mission we will start in the lost sectors to get new weapons
- The game is free and you can go wherever you want at any time
lost sectors
- They are very important to gain experience
- We will start a small raid where we will kill enemies
- We will reach the final boss and after killing him we will get rewards
- Money, experience and new weapons
- These sectors are scattered across the worlds, they are easy to do and a lot of fun.
public events
- We will join other players to overcome the event
- There will be many hordes of enemies that we will have to defeat
- If we die, nothing happens because we will reappear
- They are usually quite easy to overcome
- We will have experience, contracts, items and money
- If overcome quickly, we will get a HEROIC EVENT and we will earn better rewards
- Here they will give us the engrams
- We can open them to get improved weapons or armor
- We can get new contracts
- Buy upgrade modules to improve weapons
- Monument where you can get seasonal weapons
- Exotics are the best weapons in the game
- Commander Zabala: To enter the game’s PVE
- Crucible: To enter the PVP of the game
- Clans: important to join one to get more stuff
- Ada: gives us upgrade modules for construction and weapons as well as vanguard, crucible, gambit and destination contracts. Also raid and dungeons which will require many users
Main story missions
- Highly recommended to understand the story of the game
- There are many and widely distributed
- Obviously these missions improve the purchase of extensions
- They are a fundamental element to start in Destiny 2
Do you recommend to start playing Destiny 2?
To be rediscovered for sure is a Bungie MMO It’s good in every way, outrageous gunplay, millions of things to do, neat and quality content. Pleasure guaranteed with ENP there PvP. Possibility of obtaining upgrades and level ups. If you want to know a lot more and this article has an appeal, I will start a guide of everything so that we can discover together all that it offers Destiny 2. See you soon guardians.