Daneilis arrived from Cuba a month ago on a raft with her three young children. She is originally from Holguin, is 34 years old and now lives on the streets of Haleah.

“Since I’ve been here, I’ve been sleeping in the park, without work or family.”

During the night they let her sleep at the Rescate Church on 10th Street and 4th Avenue in East Hialeah, but when the sun comes up she has to leave.

Her three children, ages 4, 8 and 16, are already in school, as she waits to settle her immigration status, through political asylum, since arriving on the Florida coast in an illegal boat.

Despite his youth, his face has a hard expression, perhaps the result of someone being hardened before the vatars of life. An expression that seems accentuated by the enormous uncertainty that haunts her, without knowing what the future holds for her.

Pero a pesar de la difícil situación por la que atravieza, ante la pregunta de que es lo que ve en su futuro, responde con convicción: “lo que veo es que este es el futuro de mis hijos. He pasado, pero estoy aquí, with freedom”.

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