Many important details are already known about rustling waves, a free-to-play game with a gachapón system that seems to be incredibly polished in terms of gameplay and looks like it’s about to topple. So, as expectations rise, doubts also arise.

That’s why today I’m going to explain to you one of the systems that are the fundamental pillar of Wuthering Waves, how does their gachapon system work, what is a pity, what is 50/50, what are banners and how is all of this brought to this game in depth.

All About the Wuthering Waves Rolling System

First of all, it should be mentioned that all of this is subject to change since he was removed from the current closed beta. It’s very likely that it will remain exactly the same in the final game, but just in case, I insist: subject to change. i want to mention Revyola there Kovak They share a lot of very interesting information about this game.

What is pity?

the damage is the MAXIMUM number of rolls you need to have a secure 5 star character. In games with gachapón, there is a limit of throws to get 5 stars.

  • For example in Genshin Impact, Too bad it’s 90 so If you don’t get any 5 star characters in your reels, yes or yes you will get an assured one in reel 90
  • But that doesn’t mean it won’t come out sooner. You can get a 5 star character in any of the reels. The 90 draw is only for make sure that, if you have this bad luck, at least in the 90s, you will have an insured
  • pity resets each time you hit a 5 star character
  • For example, if on roll 50 you get 5 stars, pity returns to 0 at this time

types of banners

To explain the 50/50, we must first know what are banners The banners are what you ride. That is, there is one banner for X currently active character, for example; if you want to try to create this character X, you get naked on this banner. But there are two types of banners (there may be more, but I’m talking about the main two):

  • Permanent Banner: this banner never changes and is always there since the release of the game and forever. And in this banner there are usually several 5-star characters, there is no pity worth it, so you can touch a character at any time or never touch it (if you are very unlucky) and , generally, permanent characters tend to be worse characters
  • Promotional banner: with every game update, usually every few weeks, they add a new banner with a new character (or one that existed a while ago) and remove the old banner. These characters are the ones worth it, because they aren’t always around and they’re usually better characters

It has not yet been confirmed if there will be a permanent banner and a promotional banner, but everything indicates that it will be so.

What is 50/50?

He 50/50 only affects the promotional banner, and now you will understand why. When pulling a promotional banner and you end up getting a 5 star character, whether in roll 90 or earlier, This does not mean that the character that hit you is exactly the one on the banner. It’s 50/50, and it’s called that because you have a 50% chance of being hit by the banner character. If you don’t get this one, you will get a permanent banner character, that’s why it’s not worth throwing away the permanent banner.

However, All is not so bad. If you hit a 5 star character that does not belong to the banner you rolled for, you will have lost 50/50. But if you lose it the following is assured. That is, if you get a 5 star character that is not from the banner you shot for, the next time you get a 5 star character you will get the one from the banner you shot for .

On another side, If you win 50/50 the first time, That doesn’t mean the next 5-star character will be one of the permanents; If you are lucky you can win again as many times as possible, although you have to be very lucky to do so.

So what does Wuthering Waves pity look like?

roaring waves

Currently, Wuthering Waves pity is 90, as Genshin Impact and exactly as I explained. In Wuthering Waves is also the 50/50 system, so it’s possible you’ll get a character that doesn’t belong to the promo banner you ran for, in which case you’ll secure the next 5-star character that hits you.

Going deeper will give you a base 0.80% chance of getting a 5-star character (which increases as you get closer to the 90 result). In Genshin, for example, you have a base 0.60% chance of getting a 5-star character.

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