Maybe you never wondered, but many users want to watch 2 channels at the same time on Movistar Plus. One of the reasons may be paying attention to a series and having that football game in the background that your partner won’t let you watch. Now well, Is it possible to split the screen in two? What are the requirements to be met? What does the PiP function (also known as picture in picture)?

Requirements to watch 2 channels at the same time in Movistar Plus

You just have to be a Movistar Plus customer by one of the methods proposed Movistar Fusion. Of course, you will need to have the Movistar UHD decoder and be connected to the internet by fiber optic (does not work with traditional ADSL).

This is the Movistar Plus PiP function

PiP function: how to activate picture in picture in Movistar Plus

There picture-in-picture function (Seed) allows you to watch two TV events simultaneously, one on the big screen and the other located in the upper right corner (smaller) as if it were a floating window. Only audio from the general screen will be heard, while this is very simple inverted position between them according to your interests.

  1. We tune to the channel we want to see.
  2. In the mini guide you will see all the channel information and two icons on the right. The first is for window channel and the second to recommend similar content. Select the first with OK.
  3. The channel will be placed in the small upper right corner, and if you change the channel you will select the main window. The baby will stay in this position.
  4. If you want switch channelthere is a button in the space it occupied window channel.
  5. If you select switch channel and you move downChoose Disable to return to normal.

The vast majority of content is compatible with the PiP function, with the exception of multi-camera channels (Multisport, Mosaic F1 oh F1 Multicamera).

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Written by:

David Cruz

Netflix, HBO Max, Prime Video, Disney Plus and Filmin, my favorite streaming platforms. Harry Potter, Marvel, DC, James Bond and Fast & Furious, my favorite commercial films. Life is beautiful, my favorite movie. This is how I am, and this is how I will continue.

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