I don’t know if the same thing is happening to me, but it’s something I can’t help: I’m getting nervous for the future because of the hype culture in the world of video games. Something that provokes, instead of paying attention to the content that has just seen the light of one of them, is already thinking about what the next one will be; this being something that happens to me very often with Fortnite.

The thing is that Fortnite season 2 has just been released with a series of new features They have no type of waste. I say it without exaggeration: the new city and the promise of the crossover with Attack on Titan blew up the hype. But here we have come to be anxious, and therefore, to answer the question of: When does this new season of the game end?

When does Fortnite Season 2 end?

  • As usually happens with the premiere of a new season of the game, this information is reflected directly in the official website by Epic Games
  • inside you see how this season’s Battle Pass of the game will be available until next June 2
  • Given the way the company works, it is very likely that the servers will be offline on that day during a period of inactivity. to prepare for the arrival of the next game update
  • That’s to say, Fortnite’s new season 3 would be released on June 3

Now that I have completed my mission to leave you this information so that you have it as close as possible, I can continue to indulge like crazy in this season 2 of Fortnite, because it looks incredible. Have you ever tasted?

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