In this guide I will tell you step by step how to complete the mission “Flight Test”, one of the side quests Hogwarts Legacy in which you have to demonstrate your broom handling in the air. I also explain your rewards.

“Flight Test” Side Quest Guide

how does it start

To start it, you must have completed the main quest “Flying Class”, from which you can start flying on a broomstick around the world. After that, you can go to Albie Weekes Sporting Goods Store in Hogsmeade. Talk to Albie to start the mission.

How to complete it

After talking to him, buy him a broom the one you like the most (it’s all cosmetic, it won’t affect mid-flight performance). After that, he’ll ask you to challenge another Slytherin student named Imelda Reyes to a race against time in exchange for your feedback, and he’ll upgrade your broom.

Go talk to Imelda at the Hogwarts Quidditch Pitch. After that you will start the race. Concentrate on passing through the hoops and on catch all the yellow bubbles which will give you speed. It’s pretty easy to beat Imelda’s time, so if you ever mess up, don’t worry.

After winning, talk to Albie Weekes again to complete the mission.

mission rewards

  • There is no reward as such, but completing this mission will unlock other side missions with Albie Weekes and Imelda Reyes to improve your broom handling

All side quests and other useful guides on Hogwarts Legacy

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