The semi-finals are over and now all the inhabitants of Cadiz and carnival lovers have their eyes on the Grand Final of the Cadiz Carnival Group Competition (COAC) 2023 which will be held next Friday, February 17 at the legendary Falla Theater in the Andalusian city.

It’s been a long road until they manage to squeeze through to the final, but after three tough but hilarious days of semi-finals in which 28 groups have risen through the ranks to show what they can do with the art of the copla, the jury formed chaired by Francisco Javier Ramírez Muñoz has deliberated that only 13 of these groups would make it to the final, more precisely, four choirs, four chirigotas, four comparsas and a quartet.

So the choirs La Voz, Los Martínez, El día de mañana and Los Negros they have taken over their rivals and are the finalists of the COAC 2023. Like the fouror chirigotas Everything happens to me the unfortunate, La my soul, Let’s listen (street joke), The vines; the four troops The invisible city, The charm of Cadiz, Cadiz of my soul and The slavesand the quartet El Pómulo Gladiator Workshop School.

The grand finale, Friday the 17th at Teatro Falla

The grand finale of COAC 2023 will take place next Friday, February 17 at 8:30 p.m. at the same Falla theater in Cadiz. Then the 13 groups that will have managed to win a place in the grand finale will perform one last time in front of the public and the jury to try to win the great honor of being the winners of this competition so popular with the population and lovers of the city. . carnivals around the world.

But before the members of the choirs, chirigotas, comparsas and the finalist quartet take the stage, the theater will host a tribute to the author Enrique Villegas, to whom the entire COAC competition this year has been dedicated to commemorate the 100 years of his birth.

A final just 4 days after the farewell to Julio Pardo Merelo

While the groups participating in COAC 2023 were already taking the stage to perform their songs, Cádiz dismissed Julio Pardo Merelo, a historic carnival in the city who died last Saturday February 11 at the age of 67, one of the promoters of the work by Los Martínez in this year’s competition.

Pardo Merelo has had an almost unrivaled trajectory in Carnival festivities. Throughout his career he won 15 first prizes in this carnival competition, on 14 occasions the group he participated in was in second place and on five he won third prize, numbers that could increase if the Los Martínez choir finally succeeds in the final of the contest of this 2023 place in the first three of the table.

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