The Florida Digital Rights Bill introduced by the Governor is quite large and several points relate to the protection of user privacy. Although this is debated by lawmakers and possibly challenged in court before it becomes law, you can protect yourself.

The first bullet in the Florida Governor’s Bill of Digital Rights protects private in-person conversations and requires your consent to monitor them.

But as this cybersecurity expert, whose company has clients from around 40 different industries, tells us, users themselves can protect their privacy.

In this case, turning off the microphone and camera when not in use is an option.

Another right protects your personal data and requires that the platforms have your authorization to use them.

Another right, to protect children from the dangers of the internet

As for limiting the use of Tik Tok, our expert believes in freedom of choice, but urges caution when using any app.

Other points relate to Internet censorship and the protection of children.

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