Michael B. Jordan spoke in an interview about the different anime that motivated the action scenes of Creed 3

Boxing is something that I find sensational in fiction, while in real life it completely terrifies me, like any form of violence most of the time. Compared to that, that’s why I love anime and “Hajime No Ippo“oh”Megalo Box“, and that’s why movie franchises like “Creed” are so successful. Now, with the imminent release of “Credo 3“, actor Michael B. Jordan spoke about the influences that anime have had on feature film, and they are not rare precisely.

If any of the Creed 3 moments sound familiar, you might need to search your otaku drawer.

Although I will comment on it in more detail later, I will leave you with a little instagram video in which his words were collected:

And with video at hand, it’s basically what Michael B. Jordan said:

  • The actor says that between all the Rocky and Creed movies, there’s obviously been a lot of different fights and moves he’s seen before, and that’s why I wanted to find a way to make Creed 3 different on its own.
  • Therefore, in the process mentions being inspired by anime he has seen over the years, such as the following:
    • naruto
    • my hero academia
    • Hajime No Ippo
    • Megalo Box
  • The later actor makes a special mention of Dragon Ball Z. He assures that in Creed 3 there is one punch in particular that was taken from one of the battles seen during said part of the anime.
  • For the most ruthless: Creed 3 opens in Spain from March 3, 2023.

Let no one now expect that in “Creed 3” we will meet Lee’s secret taijutsu technique, that in the end it is still boxing, but it is clear that if there is a moment more “fantastic” than another during the action, maybe the anime should be considered the cause of this one. AND If you want to find out why Michael B. Jordan cites something in particular like “Hajime no Ippo”, I remind you that on Netflix you will find a few dozen episodes of the anime.

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