It’s been several days since Fortnite Chapter 4 Season 2 was released in-game, but it was yesterday that I got to try it out. And let me tell you, I was blown away returning to battle royale after not getting close to him for a while because I got burned by him. However, this is something that I have never given much importance to, since there is always something that brings me back to the game. And justly This time it was this season’s new big city and kinetic leaves.

Para aquellos que no sepáis de qué estoy hablando exactamente, las hojas kineticas son el arma que llegan para sustituir de alguna manera al hammer de chocque de la temporada 1: nos dan una gran movilidad y nos permite asestar buenos golpes cuerpo a cuerpo a los enemigos with them. But… Where to find these Kinetic Blades on the new Fortnite Season 2 map? This is the question I want to answer next.

Location of the new Kinetic Blade in Fortnite

  • The thing is, the Kinetic Blade has a chance to spawn in only one area of ​​the map, which corresponds to its lower right corner
  • We can find this weapon lying on the ground in different places
  • However, and as indicated in the database used by the portal GG fortnitethere is a place where there is a high probability that it will appear: Cruce Kenjutsu
  • If you go there before the other players pass, you can easily get the above mentioned kinetic sheet
  • Afterwards, I leave you with an image in which the places where this weapon appears in the games are marked

now that you know where are the kinetic blades in this fortnite season 2Tell me… Are you going to use them?

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