There was a time when I walked into Fortnite almost daily for the purpose of upgrading the game’s Battle Pass; something I stopped doing during chapter 3, but also resumed during this chapter 4. The reason? The epic of this season of the game reminds me of Chapter 1: it keeps taking risks by launching new mechanics in the playable and, in addition, it brings dream crossovers like, for example, the new one from Attack on Titan; the latter being the one I will focus on here.
The fact is that all the new crossover skins between this manga/anime and Fortnite are already available in the Fortnite store but… How much would you have to spend if you wanted to buy everything? That is precisely the question I am here to answer. Of course, not before leaving you with a trick to get cheaper V-bucks which you can check out in the following article:
Eren Yager
- Eren Yaeger is the secret Battle Pass skin, so you’ll need to purchase it to get it
- It costs a total of 950 paVos
- This last amount corresponds to 10 euros
Lot of Mikasa and Levi’s
- This bundle includes Levi’s skin, Mikasa’s skinthe Ore Lamp Back Bling, the Transformation Serum Back Bling and the Citadel 1⃣ Explorers Loading Screen
- This pack costs a total of 2,200 paVos
- On the other hand, there is the special ops equipment bundlewhich includes the Regimental Cloak, Lightning Spear Wings Back Bling and Glider, Blade Pickaxe, Titan Lunge Dash Emote, Titan Lunge Dash Emote, Titan Freestyle Dash Emote 2⃣
- This bundle costs a total of 1,600 paVos

total amount of money
- Going through everything we discussed, the thing stays like this:
- Eren Skin: 950 paVos
- Mikasa and Levi Bundle: 2,200 paVos
- Special operations equipment batch: 1,600 paVos
- Total: 4,750 paVos
- Bearing that in mind, his is that buy a bundle of 5,000 paVos from the Fortnite store
- It costs a total of €31.99, which is the amount of money it will cost you to buy everything the crossover offers.
What do you think of this crossover between Fortnite and Attack on Titan? Are you going to start a pack? I read them in the comments.