By milestone group “FUT Champions TOTS Opening Day” and for ALL Squad Battles and FUT Champions reward scheduleit seems clear that this big Ultimate Team party starts on Friday in FIFA 23. And a common question every year is when to open saved envelopesso here I want to give my opinion on this.
FIFA 23 TOTS – When would be the best time to open the packs?
Maybe EA Sports will surprise this year and change the dynamic of other editions, but the usual thing is that the community team is lower than that of the main leagues. I guess he will have very powerful cards, but his general level should be lower than the TOTS of Premier League, Bundesliga, LaLiga Santander, Ligue 1 and Serie A.
For this reason, I recommend not opening envelopes when the event starts in FIFA 23. Because we should have interesting players, but those who come later will probably be even more valuable.
An exception
I advise waiting for the TOTS of the main leagues to open the save packs in Ultimate Team. However, I would make an exception if needed low to complete interesting SBCs. Because maybe remarkable team building challenges are coming that you want to do, but you have an empty club. Well, then I would open some packs, especially the non-transferable ones.
Differentiate between transferable and non-transferable surpluses
If you don’t need socks, I’d save the packs until the main league TOTS arrives in FIFA 23. But, During which team of the season would you open them? Well it depends if the packs are transferable or non-transferable.
He would open transferable envelopes during Premier League TOTS. Besides the fact that it usually has interesting cards, it is also a league of enormous popularity and its flashiest special versions are usually very expensive.
The English League’s Team of the Season will likely include a number of expensive players. And if you’re lucky, you might generate a lot of coins if you receive them (like for example I did last year, packing Heung Min Son multiple times).
Also, even if you don’t get anything too expensive, at least you can sell what you receive from this moment and invest it wherever you want. You could recruit useful footballers to strengthen your FIFA 23 team and make it even more competitive.

Wait for your favorite non-transferable league…unless I’m very late
The untradeable packs would depend on you, which league you like the most in Ultimate Team. But I think the order of arrival of the main TOTS would also be important and, by Division Rivals and Squad Battles schedulethat would be the Community Team, Premier League, Bundesliga, La Liga Santander, Ligue 1, Serie A and Ultimate.
I would wait to open the non-transferable if your favorite competition is the Premier League, Bundesliga or LaLiga Santander. But if it’s Ligue 1 or Serie A, I’ll try my luck first. Although other leagues are not so striking for you.
Why am I saying this? Well, because if FIFA 23 maintains the momentum of other years, the overall level of Ultimate Team will increase a lot. SO It would be strange if so many teams of the season appeared and you didn’t switch teams despite it..
Maybe the English league has very expensive TOTS. But in the others, very interesting footballers could appear in value for money, either in envelopes or via SBCs. Some of them could therefore be very useful for your model. And so, I find it hard to give up all this content to wait for Ligue 1 or Serie A.
Moreover, even if Ligue 1 could have several spectacular attackers (like Kylian Mbappé), the logic is that they have very high averages. SO it probably won’t be easy to get them out in envelopesso it seems even less sensible to make the packs think about it.
- I would only open envelopes before Premier League TOTS if you need stockings to complete the SBCs you care about.
- I advise to open the transferable packs with the English league team of the season. Because it usually includes many expensive players and because whether you are lucky or not, at least you will already have the coins you generate to strengthen your FIFA 23 Ultimate Team.
- I advise you to open the untradeable packs during the week of your favorite league, unless it’s Ligue 1 or Serie A. Because their teams of the season will be very late, and it would be strange if you didn’t want to enjoy the content of other TOTS.
- Obviously, I advise to open league-exclusive packs when their team of the season becomes available.

I hope this post is useful and I leave you here the article of the new Ligue 1 POTM. And if you want to be informed about the news of FIFA 23 Ultimate Team or EA Sports FC, you can join telegram broadcast channel. Cheers!