dragonball“He had quite a few streaks in terms of the popularity of its characters; Obviously, Goku has always been a constant, as has Vegeta since he became part of the franchise’s main cast of characters. Likewise, there’s no denying that Son Gohan became the most popular character in all of “Dragon Ball” at the time… but it wasn’t forever. However, ‘Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero’ brought Goku’s son back to his throne.

Son Gohan wins over the rest of the Dragon Ball characters in a popularity tournament

So I leave you with the tweet of the official “Dragon Ball” Twitter account which reveals Son Gohan as the winner of the latest character popularity face-off:

But what did it consist of? popularity tournament who saw Son Gohan a big winner?

  • Basically a ‘Dragon Ball Secret Battle Hour’ took place via Twitter you saw how a popularity tournament between franchise characters developed.
  • This tournament had the following system: two characters competed with a system of Popularity vote for Likes and RTs.
  • Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: whoever’s on the side of the Likes always wins, and that’s how it is Son Gohan was crowned winner of the final against Piccolo. However, the truth is that in the previous phases, Son Gohan overtook the characters on the Like side while he was on the RT side. One of them he overcame through RTs was Cell, and with more than double the votes, so of course it hasn’t been a bed of roses.

It must be said that it is not that there will be great repercussions because Gohan was crowned the winner of this popularity tournament, well it was simply communicated that you will receive a ‘Wallpaper’. In any case, I think this amply demonstrates that there was a lot of desire for Gohan and Piccolo to return to play a relevant role in “Dragon Ball”so it only remains to hope that in the future, they will not again be cast aside as extremely secondary characters.

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