“Dragon Ball Super“It’s been the benchmark anime and manga for the new era of the Akira Toriyama franchise for years, with a TV adaptation that ended airing over 4 years ago. Since then, we’ve had movies like”Dragon Ball Super: Broly“oh”Dragon Ball Super: Super heroes“to liven up the wait… but obviously that’s not the same as having a weekly anime. However, that’s more or less where we can locate the anime of “Dragon Ball Heroes“.
What exactly is Dragon Ball Heroes anime and where can it be watched?
- It is important to note that, above all, Dragon Ball Heroes is a purely promotional anime.
- What does the latter mean? Well, his main job is to serve as promotional material for Super Dragon Ball Heroes game. This game, very popular in Japan, is an arcade game that is played with a series of collectible cards that collect characters from the franchise and even invent original ones.
- To see something like the Dragon Ball Heroes anime in Spain, the truth is that the only alternative is find episode downloads by users on platforms like Youtube. This is mainly because Dragon Ball Heroes It has NEVER been allowed in our countryperhaps further derived from the fact that it is a promotional anime with a mostly irregular broadcast (regulated monthly) that has never aired on Japanese television (can only be seen on the Internet).
What kind of story is Dragon Ball Heroes about? It’s lovely ?
- Above all, it is important to note that the original stories and characters that Dragon Ball Heroes deals with ARE NOT CANON.
- This, on the other hand, does not mean that the anime does not have its own sagas that may interest more than one. Basically, all content available to date of Dragon Ball Heroes is divided as follows:
- The first anime saga is known as ‘Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Universe Mission‘.
- The second saga is known as ‘Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Mission Big Bang‘.
- The third and (so far) most recent saga is ‘Super Dragon Ball Heroes: Ultra God Mission.
- Till date, A total of 45 episodes of the Dragon Ball Heroes anime have been released.. Not only that, but the same anime is adapted into manga by Yoshitaka Nagayama.

- As a point of reference, it is important to note that Dragon Ball Super characters used in the anime depart from the Universal Survival Arc timeline. It is assumed that after the events of the Tournament of Power, a new character named Fu informs Goku and company that Future Trunks is trapped on a mysterious planet as a “prison”. It is by traveling towards this that a much larger plot will eventually be discovered which will even end up going through the ambition to annihilate the King of Everything.
What characterizes Dragon Ball Heroes?
- The truth is, Dragon Ball Heroes’ main draw for fans of the franchise is that it takes care of make your wildest dreams and fantasies come true.
- For example: despite the fact that in theory it starts with the characters from Dragon Ball Super, the truth is that it Dragon Ball GT characters and transformations appear, like Super Saiyan 4.

- Not only that, but Dragon Ball Heroes also rescues classic characters from the Dragon Ball Z movies, such as Turles or Chiller among other things, to provide them with design changes and power-ups that they never got to enjoy in their respective feature films.
- The idea, particularly based on the fact that Super Dragon Ball Heroes is a collectible card-based arcade game, is to make a transformation, fusion or character not just a wish. And therefore, everything the video game imagines ends up being reflected in the respective anime.
Although I’m not a fan of “Dragon Ball Heroes” (the anime) although I gave it a chance, I have always been surprised that this phenomenon does not reach international waters. In the end, simply because of the possibilities it offers as a collectible card game, it already seems like something that would eventually make a good box set. Maybe not now, but I wouldn’t rule out that in the future everything related to “Super Dragon Ball Heroes” might end up being properly localized.
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