Due to the end of shared accounts, many users are receiving misleading text messages

Netflix announced last year that 2023 would mark the end of shared accounts for all platform users. From now on, the new measures begin to arrive in Spain and many of us are already affected by the changes that have been implemented. Internet scammers have also been very attentive to the process, take advantage of doubts and uncertainty to send misleading messages. Next you will find all the information you need to know about them and how to avoid them:

How are fake Netflix SMS?

  • If you have received an SMS like the one in the following imagethe most likely thing is that someone is trying to scam you.
  • These types of messages are called smshing, a form of phishing carried out by SMS.
  • The end of these deceptions is obtain personal information and bank details of victims.
  • In this case, the way to scare users off is with a message that seems to indicate that netflix will suspend our account.
This is what Netflix fake text messages look like.

If we click on the link, we are redirected to a series of pages that seek to extract data from us:

  • First, they will ask us the username and password of our Netflix account.
  • In case of filling out this first form, we arrive at another page which tells us that we must restore the account.
  • The third step is a new website where they ask us to fill in the gaps with our billing data.
  • Finally, to complete the scam, they will ask us to enter the bank details.
  • All these pages are constructed in such a way that simulating the real web of Netflixwhich makes it very difficult to detect deception.
netflix fake sms
Through these fake pages, they steal the data.

If we make the mistake of filling out all these forms presented to us, the best solution is call our bank ASAP. Thanks to our financial entity, we can block the card or account to prevent money theft What’s more, it’s also useful for tracking fraudulent payments and alerting others.

How to avoid these scams associated with Netflix?

  • The first thing to remember is that Netflix does not use SMS for these proceduresusually use our email.
  • Secondly, before blindly believing what they tell us, we must first go on our own and check if it is really suspended.
  • We can too inspect SMS URL and we will see that it does not correspond to the official address of the platform.
  • Finally, it is often useful to examine the misspellings or misspellingswhich are common in these scams.

In addition to the above, if we receive these types of fraudulent messages, we may also notify Netflix so that they can take action against you. To report this type of activity to the platform, we must long press the message and forward it to: [email protected]. Once we’ve done that, the best thing to do is delete text message to avoid pressing or opening it accidentally.

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