Orlando Florida. – The thermometer can climb to numbers similar to those that occur during the summer due to high pressure over central Florida.

The system will lead to higher temperatures and stable conditions for the rest of the week, with Wednesday and Thursday being the peak days.

Jarymar Colón, meteorologist for Telemundo 31, explained that “we will have full control of an anticyclonic system in our region, which will cause a notable increase in temperatures and we could experience values ​​of almost 90 degrees”.

It is expected that if it registers 90 degrees, the records for the values ​​recorded will be broken, according to the National Weather Service (NWS, for its acronym in English).

The NWS database shows that the highs of 22 and 23 were 83 degrees. Experts predict that for these same days of the current year, it will exceed 90 degrees, breaking a record for maximum temperatures for the time of year whose average temperatures are around 70 degrees.

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