There are a lot of anime people love that I haven’t been able to watch yet due to lack of time or the right situation just wasn’t given to give them a chance. One of these series is Bungou Stray Dogs, including the fourth season created last January and curiously My partner Cristian didn’t like it.

Today is the day to say goodbye to this anime adaptation with the broadcast of the 13th episode of season 4. However, fans know very well that this is more of a “see you later”, since there is still a lot of story to tell and that the anime continues to be an international success. What no one expected is that the next season would come so soon.

Bungou Stray Dogs Season 5 is coming this year

  • Sugoi LITEone of the anime world’s most well-known insiders, has just leaked the first details of the fifth season of Bungou Stray Dogs
  • As many expected, Bones is already working on new chapters from the story of Dazai and Nakajima
  • But the most amazing thing is that Season 5 already has a release date: it will arrive next July!
  • And in case there are still doubts regarding these claims, also The first images of the T5 announcement trailer have leaked (which I leave below)

I don’t know about you, but I always hallucinate with it flee. When a project is announced to be in production, the release windows are usually not shared (like the case of My Hero Academia’s T7), however Bones will present a new season of Bungou Stray Dogs… Three months after the end of the previous one!!

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