Good news for Ariana Grande fans!! The filming of the first part of Wicked, the film project in which she has been immersed for more than a year, has been completed. It was she herself who confirmed it on her social networks, sharing a beautiful image with her dog with a rainbow in the background.

Ariana Grande brings Glinda, the Good Witch of Oz, to life in this adaptation of the acclaimed Broadway musical. Quite a dream for her, since it is one of her favorite works. In this way, Ariana has been linked to this project since the beginning of 2022. Not only on the set, but also by preparing the choreographies for the film and the songs. Ariana pretty much shut down this movie’s schedule, in which he shares the lead role with Cinthia Erivo, who brings Elphaba (who we met in The Wizard of Oz to life as the Wicked Witch of the West.

Ariana threw herself one hundred percent into the project, surprising her followers with a drastic makeover and trying her hand at the character’s platinum blonde. Additionally, he changed the description of all his networks to the following message: “Currently somewhere over the rainbow”. A phrase that refers to the song performed by Judy Garland in the famous 1939 film The Wizard of Oz.

Message from Ariana Grande

“Halfway. Savoring every millisecond I have left with my Glinda (even though she will be with me irrevocably, forever). He teaches me so many new things every day”, began by writing the singer.

Ariana Grande went on to explain that signing on for this movie changed her life: “I’m so grateful, I don’t know what to do or say…to be here in Oz where every day is life changing...feeling, learning and growing so much at such a disarming speed…feeling so much love all around me, starting each day before the sun rises and ending after it sets.”

In addition, the interpreter of Positions hinted that his partner Cynthia has become a very important person in his life: “Holding the beautiful green hands of my brilliant twin/sister Cynthia every day…. Work in the safest, most beautiful and loving spaces, the largest and at the same time the most intimate and delicate... To be directed by the most caring, brilliant, compassionate and warm director on this planet, my other best friend from Ozian, Jon”

Ariana wanted to thank the project for changing her as a person. But not only that, it also helped him overcome things he didn’t know he needed.

“I don’t want this to end. So while I’m still here, present, now, I just wanted to…express my immense gratitude and allow my heart to overflow. I hope all of this isn’t a dream, because despite the present that I try to be, I feel like I am,” he concluded, saying.

Without a doubt, Wicked will make Ariana Grande fans very happy, becoming one of the most anticipated releases of 2024, when the first part of the story hits theaters.

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